
I help cutting-edge companies
win using both sides of UX Design:
discover key problems &
design effective solutions.

As a UX Design Architect, I help business owners and managers relax by understanding their technical and business needs, and using proven design methods to partner with them to imagine and implement a new design solution.

A little about me:

  • Technical (Computer Science) and creative (Interaction Design) background.

  • Designed in Silicon Valley for large tech companies plus US and European startups.

  • Experience across a breadth of business domains including B2B, eCommerce, Health Care, and Industrial Workflows, both web and mobile.

  • Can provide value both at the micro level (improving individual screens and interactions) and the macro level (new features and product suites).

  • Proficient in rapid user research to uncover hidden product needs and acquire real-world feedback to inform design concepts before shipping a new product.

See my resumé and some highlights from my work below. Then, say hello!

I made selling easy for everyday users.

Role: Interaction designer & UX lead
Contributions: user research & synthesis, concept generation, prototyping, interaction design, usability testing


I improved the design of this Silverlight application with an innovative search results page that combined two types of results (known products vs general categories) into one simple and prioritized results page, reducing dropoff from the selling process.

Improved Concept

To envision the next Selling design for the eBay website, I led a team of 10 designers at a 3-day offsite, where we came up with a team name, studied competitors and best practices in eCommerce, created personas, and tested our concept prototypes with actual users for validation.

Final Design

Working with the engineering team in an agile environment, I delivered redesigns for each of the key features of the selling process, which were implemented over the course of the next years.

General Electric
I streamlined locomotive repair at railroad yards.

Role: Interaction designer, design lead
Contributions: user research & synthesis, concept generation, prototyping, stakeholder presentations, collaborating with visual design

Material monitor board

The old monitor board grouped requests by status. By instead grouping by locomotive, shop foremen could highlight which locomotives to service first, and ensure all the requests are filled. This design is tablet-friendly as well, allowing mobility within the shop.

cores due

Often done in bulk rather than by locomotive, this workflow was separated from the monitor board. It could be easily printed and checked off, as we saw workers do in the shop during our visit.

part requests

The request workflow was moved to a shopping cart pop-up that includes all three different options for requesting: by part number, catalog, or pre-defined kit. The foreman could then authorize the requests all at once, saving time and energy.

I helped salespeople quickly capture important data.

Role: Design lead of Master's Capstone project
Contribution: domain research, user research & synthesis, concept generation, prototyping, user validation, interaction design


I observed real Salesforce users doing their work, using consolidated models to capture insights and patterns from the individual studies.


I led the design process during the summer semester, including concept generation exercises, validating ideas with users, and iterative, interactive prototyping of our product.


I wireframed the final design, which saves salespeople hours each week by automatically translating their notes and e-mails into formatted Salesforce records.

Mayo Clinic
I designed a service to improve community wellness.

Role: Designer in Graduate Service Design Studio
Contributions: territory mapping, user research & synthesis, generative research, concept development, service design

PROACTIVE health care

When asked what individuals would ask a doctor, given 24-7 access, most questions were about the little things: How much sleep should I get? What diet is best for me? How should I exercise?


The Wellness Coach is a new health care role that takes the burden off of doctors by providing individuals with counseling and regular accountability towards their own health goals. It flips the model of health care from reactive to proactive.

a community approach

LiveWell integrates the wellness practices of the earlier prototypes into a community-wide service provided by Mayo. A web application helps individuals find others with similar goals to keep each other motivated and on track.


I helped a startup pivot to a scalable business model.

During my stint as Design Director & Product Manager at Berlin startup jovoto, I collected and prioritized product requests from across the company while managing a small development team in Agile.

I led the product team to ship design improvements both for internal users as well as clients and creatives, positioning the company on a path to generate scalable revenue without increased expenses.

Jovoto select

The long-term business goal was to develop a sustainable, automated process for collaborative, creative work online. After studying what was working and what wasn't with the existing process, I came up with this workflow that would be cost-effective while providing high quality options for clients.